Frequently asked questions

Do I have to be a fluent English Speaker to benefit from Word Power presentation skills or interview skills training?

Fluency is not a requirement but all our training sessions are delivered entirely in English. Coming to us with a minimum B2 level or Cambridge First Certificate will help you get the most out of our training and progress more rapidly as a presenter or interviewee in English. 

Will my English improve by training with Word Power?

Absolutely! Shaun is a UK qualified teacher with years of experience teaching and training in Barcelona and London.  We always approach training with a TEFL focus when our clients are English second language speakers. Though our courses are designed to develop your strengths as a presenter or interviewee they will also improve your level of spoken and written English. 

Can I benefit from Word Power presentation skills training or interview skills training if I’m a native speaker of English?

Definitely. Our courses and individual training sessions are all about improving your presentation skills or interview skills. If you are a native or fluent English speaker your Word Power training will focus entirely on developing you as a presenter or interviewee, exactly the same as if we were working with you in London, New York or Sydney.

Does Word Power only provide presentation skills or interview skills training in Barcelona?

No, not at all. Word Power is based in Barcelona but will travel to you wherever you are in the world. We have trained people in Spain, France and the UK. 

Public speaking or being interviewed in English makes me very nervous. Will Word Power training help me overcome my fear of presenting in a second language?

Yes, without doubt. The issues of overcoming nerves or the fear of speaking English in public are raised in almost every enquiry we receive. We will build your confidence and calm your nerves in two ways. Firstly, by ensuring you are presenting in grammatically perfect English and secondly, by teaching you proven pre-event routines and exercises that will calm your nerves and keep you focused. 

Which kind of Word Power training is best for me?

For those wishing to develop as an English presenter we offer two options, complete courses (small group or one to one) and bespoke individual training.

Presentation Skills Training in English

Option 1 : Complete courses

Option 2 : Bespoke one to one training

One day group courses: 

Essential Presenting in English: for professionals starting out in the world of presenting in English 

Intermediate/Advanced Presenting in English: for those more experienced, advanced presenters wishing to develop and extend their existing skills. 

4 hour group courses: 

Introduction to Effective Presenting In English: For professionals and business English Students wishing to discover and explore the world of Presenting in English. 

All courses: Up to 8 people: delivered in-company or as a public course at Oxford House Language Academy (weekdays and Saturdays).

One to one individual courses: 

The content of either of the day courses above delivered through a series of 5 sessions designed to fit around your personal schedule in either your workplace or home. 



Presentation Skills Training in English

Bespoke one to one coaching and training sessions for individuals working on specific presentations.

Delivered at your workplace or home.

If you need a one-off, hour-long, pre-presentation rehearsal session or ongoing weekly mentoring tell us your requirements and we will make it happen. 

To request information about the structure and timing of our one day courses or bespoke individual training please contact us in whichever way you prefer.

Interview Skills Training in English

We also offer bespoke individual training for clients preparing for interview with English speaking organisations.

Interview Skills Training in English

Bespoke one to one coaching and training sessions for individuals preparing for interview with English speaking organisations.  

Delivered at your workplace or home. 

If you need a one-off, pre-interview rehearsal session or a package of training tell us your requirements and we will arrange it for you. 

Whichever training option you choose we always recognise that you are an individual with personal goals and areas to develop. Our training is a highly personal experience and every client receives training and assessment based on their individual needs.

To request information about the structure and timing of our one day courses or bespoke individual training please contact us in whichever way you prefer.

Do you offer in-house or in-company training (Professional INSET)?

Yes we do. We’d like you to think of us as a company resource. Our in-company training is perfect for companies or organisations in Barcelona or further afield that would like a number of staff trained at the same time. We come to you and deliver the course of your choice or a customised course to groups of your employees. 

Are you able to customise a course and make it specific to my organisation?

Yes we can modify any of our existing training options to include new course content specifically requested by you or we can also deliver a bespoke course tailor made to your own personal requirements. 

What about after the course? What kind of support will I get?

Word Power training is an ongoing process. After you complete one of our courses we provide on line mentoring for all clients. Contact us for advice and support any time. We hope that your course is the beginning of your relationship with us and we can work together, one to one, in Barcelona or elsewhere developing and perfecting your future English presentation projects. 

Can Word Power help me with other aspects of professional English?

Yes. We can help you with English script writing,  proof reading and correction, school and University applications in English, Personal statements in English,  C.V. in English and Spanish-English translations. 

How can I find out when the Word Power Course I’m interested in will take place?

Please contact us by phone or email for dates of our future training courses. If you would like us to email you details of all up and coming training and events in Barcelona please let us know, we’d be delighted to add you to our mailing list. 

What time does a one day course start and end?

Barcelona based Word Power training begins at 9:30 and finishes at five. There are two 20 minute coffee breaks and an hour for lunch. Our shorter introductory course is delivered over 4 hours including a 20 minute break.

How do I book a place on a Word Power presentation skills course or Interview skills course or arrange bespoke one to one training sessions?

Call: +34 6655 17532

Call: + 34 93 457 3153

e-mail on:

We will take your details and send you a Word Power Training registration form. Returning the form is quick and easy and will confirm your place on the course or training program of your choice.

We really look forward to hearing from you.

Word Power. Training that means business.